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A limitless horizon. Teal skies that melt into turquoise waters, and a gentle breeze that cocoons you. Picture the most breath-taking beach you've ever stepped foot on, and an impossibly idyllic island that makes for a dream getaway. Maldives, officially the Republic of Maldives, is a country in the Indian subcontinent of Asia, situated in the Indian Ocean. It lies Southwest of Sri Lanka and India, about 750 kilometres from the Asian continent's mainland. Comprising a territory spanning roughly 90,000 square kilometres including the sea, land area of all the islands comprises 298 square kilometres .
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The beauty of the Maldives is not only above the water. The Maldives is home to about five percent of the planet's reefs that comes with an explosion of color contributed by soft and hard corals that form them. The reefs are home to a thousand species of fish. Lured by the rich nutrients that flow in with the currents, large pelagic fishes such as manta rays and whale sharks also make the Maldives their home.
A Romantic Experience
Wake up to the rhythm of waves washing ashore in the
Maldives. Your loved one by your side.